Monday, November 23, 2015
Why Do We Celebrate Christmas?
Why do you buy presents for others at Christmas? Why are have businesses moved up the shopping season to October to start your shopping for Christmas? Have you noticed that comercials do not use the word Christmas? Does that bother you?
It should. When you are shopping this Christmas season, think about why you are going into debt. Does it line up with the word of GOD?
Going into debt is on in the Bible. Buying presents and killing a tree to put in your house is not in the Bible. Your focus should be on Jesus. The birth of Jesus. That is what Christmas is about.
Why are you celebrating Christmas?
Satan wants you to go into debt. Satan wants you to take the word Christmas out of the holidays.
Stop listening to Satan and start listening to GOD. Open the Bible and read it. Stop listening to the media.
This Christmas, give to others who don't have anything. Show them the love of GOD.
Look to the Cross and look to Jesus.
Jesus is the reason for the season.
I do not borrow. I will not go into debt. In my book Live Debt Free Tells you how to get out of debt and stay out, buy following GOD's Word. Make this a gift for yourself.
Are you Born Again? Have you made Jesus your Lord and Savior? Don't wait another minute. Find out why in this book I Confess Jesus Is Lord in E-book and Print
Pray This:
Dear Lord: Come into my life. I make you the Lord of my Life. I believe that you died for me and that GOD rose You from the dead. I give you my life. Do something with my life. Amen
It is that simple, Stop listening to this world. Start listening to GOD
Monday, October 19, 2015
I was sexually abused by my grandfather. I told no one. I thought I was keeping a family secret and protecting the family. I was wrong. It was was killing me on the inside. 30 years later I found out that my entire family knew who and what my Grandfather was capable of. No One in my family protected me. I suffered in silence for nothing. Only untill I learned to forgive and and focused on Jesus did I begin to heal. Don't be a victim any longer
You are healed by the Blood of Jesus. Read how Jesus Healed Me.
Read how you can overcome your past with the help of GOD. Learn to forgive. Learn to move on Your past does not define you.
You are healed by the Blood of Jesus. Read how Jesus Healed Me.
Saturday, October 17, 2015
I have received good feedback on this book.
Your life can not change if you are not Born Again. When we are born, we are born sinners. Satan is in control. Until we make Jesus the Lord of our life, we can not change and GOD cannot help up. You must be Born Again to go to Heaven. Jesus bore your sins at the cross.
If your life to change, you need to be Born Again.
This book is in print and e-book
My life was a mess before I was Born Again. Each day is better with GOD.
Jesus is coming anyday. We are at the end of days. Nothing is going to get better without GOD. Don't be left behind.
Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior
Pray this:
I come to you as I am. Take me. I believe that you died on the cross for me and GOD raised you from the dead. I am yours Lord, Do something with my life. Amen
If you pray this prayer, you are a new creature in Christ.
Follow my blog and together we will walk with GOD and spread his word..
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Sucide Is Not The Answer
I believe everyone has had thoughts of sucide one time or another in their lives, though they might not admit it. If you have thoughts of sucide, you are not crazy. It is Satan talking to you and you are listening to Satan. It is that simple.
If no one has ever told you that it is all Satan, then I am telling you. It is all Satan. Satan wants you to kill yourself. You do not need medicine. You need Jesus.
1. Become Born Again
If you are not reborn, you will never be able to hear from GOD.
I survived Sucide. I survived Satan as he tossed me into a pit that I could not get out on my own. GOD pulled me out of the pit, because I started listening to GOD and not Satan.
Most of my life I thought I was crazy. I heard voices. I heard voices day and night. I told no one. I didn't want to be locked up. I wanted to die. I welcomed death. The only reason I didn't kill myself was because I was told that if one kills themselves, they will go to Hell. I didn't want to go to Hell.
Newsflash: Once you are Born Again, you are written in the Book of the Lamb. You are going to Heaven. Even if you mess up, you will still go to Heaven.
Most of my life I felt like I was just taking up space. I had no purpose in life.
Newsflash: GOD knew you before he created the world. GOD has a plan for you before you were born. Think about that. This revelation changed my way of thinking.
My Bible--My GOD
I was sexually abused as a child. I had an eating disorder that lasted over 20 years. I have cut myself just to release the pain.
It wasn't until I started reading the Bible and praying and listening to GOD that my life started to change.
GOD changed my heart and the way I think.
Sucide is not the Answer Jesus is the answer
GOD is with you even when you ignore him.
Pray This Now:
Dear Lord. I come to you as a sinner. I know that I fall short of your glory. I beleive that Jesus died for me on the cross and the third day, GOD raised him from the dead. Fill me with your love and glory. Let the Holy Spirit filll me and let me be able to hear from you. I no longer am going to listen to Satan. Only you Lord. Do something with my life. You are my GOD and I am your People. Amen.
If you prayed this prayer, you are now Born Again...That is something to get excited about.
GOD Loves You. You are here for a reason. You have a purpose. Listen to GOD and he will guide you.
Is GOD First in Your Life?
Become Dependent On GOD
Tee Shirts coffee mugs and journals
If no one has ever told you that it is all Satan, then I am telling you. It is all Satan. Satan wants you to kill yourself. You do not need medicine. You need Jesus.
1. Become Born Again
If you are not reborn, you will never be able to hear from GOD.
I survived Sucide. I survived Satan as he tossed me into a pit that I could not get out on my own. GOD pulled me out of the pit, because I started listening to GOD and not Satan.
Most of my life I thought I was crazy. I heard voices. I heard voices day and night. I told no one. I didn't want to be locked up. I wanted to die. I welcomed death. The only reason I didn't kill myself was because I was told that if one kills themselves, they will go to Hell. I didn't want to go to Hell.
Newsflash: Once you are Born Again, you are written in the Book of the Lamb. You are going to Heaven. Even if you mess up, you will still go to Heaven.
Most of my life I felt like I was just taking up space. I had no purpose in life.
Newsflash: GOD knew you before he created the world. GOD has a plan for you before you were born. Think about that. This revelation changed my way of thinking.
My Bible--My GOD
I was sexually abused as a child. I had an eating disorder that lasted over 20 years. I have cut myself just to release the pain.
It wasn't until I started reading the Bible and praying and listening to GOD that my life started to change.
GOD changed my heart and the way I think.
Sucide is not the Answer Jesus is the answer
GOD is with you even when you ignore him.
Pray This Now:
Dear Lord. I come to you as a sinner. I know that I fall short of your glory. I beleive that Jesus died for me on the cross and the third day, GOD raised him from the dead. Fill me with your love and glory. Let the Holy Spirit filll me and let me be able to hear from you. I no longer am going to listen to Satan. Only you Lord. Do something with my life. You are my GOD and I am your People. Amen.
If you prayed this prayer, you are now Born Again...That is something to get excited about.
GOD Loves You. You are here for a reason. You have a purpose. Listen to GOD and he will guide you.
Is GOD First in Your Life?
Become Dependent On GOD
Tee Shirts coffee mugs and journals
Monday, August 17, 2015
We are Here to Serve GOD
That is the only reason we are here. We are here to worship the Lord our GOD. We are here to tell others about GOD. This is not for the faint at heart. A year ago, I would not of thought about it. I know that one has to be born again.
I am a Zombie Writer. I learned how to write, publish and format my stories and I learned how to do it debt free. Now GOD has lead me to spread his word.
Live GOD's Way Daily Ministries is Born.
Thes is my new book covers for all the books that will be published in the series.
So I welcome you to this ministries.
My first book My Bible My GOD
This is my testimony of how GOD saved me from the pit that Satan had me in.
No matter what you are going through, GOD is the answer. I am living proof.
I will blog on how I Live GOD's Way Daily.
You can also Live GOD's Way Daily
It is not hard.
Spending time with GOD.
Spending time reading the Bible.
Spending time in Prayer
Will change your life.
Are you ready to change your life?
Prayer this:
Dear Lord,
I come to you as I am. You know my faults and my thoughts. I know that it is written that whosoever confesses with their mouth that Jesus is Lord shall be saved. I am saying Jesus is Lord. I believe that Jesus died on the cross and GOD raised him from the dead. I beleive that Jesus is Lord and Savior. Come into my life and create me as a new creature in Christ. I recieve it. Amen.
If you prayed this prayer. You are born again and your name in written in the book of the lamb.
Leave a comment and let me know that you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
I am a Zombie Writer. I learned how to write, publish and format my stories and I learned how to do it debt free. Now GOD has lead me to spread his word.
Live GOD's Way Daily Ministries is Born.
Thes is my new book covers for all the books that will be published in the series.
So I welcome you to this ministries.
My first book My Bible My GOD
This is my testimony of how GOD saved me from the pit that Satan had me in.
No matter what you are going through, GOD is the answer. I am living proof.
I will blog on how I Live GOD's Way Daily.
You can also Live GOD's Way Daily
It is not hard.
Spending time with GOD.
Spending time reading the Bible.
Spending time in Prayer
Will change your life.
Are you ready to change your life?
Prayer this:
Dear Lord,
I come to you as I am. You know my faults and my thoughts. I know that it is written that whosoever confesses with their mouth that Jesus is Lord shall be saved. I am saying Jesus is Lord. I believe that Jesus died on the cross and GOD raised him from the dead. I beleive that Jesus is Lord and Savior. Come into my life and create me as a new creature in Christ. I recieve it. Amen.
If you prayed this prayer. You are born again and your name in written in the book of the lamb.
Leave a comment and let me know that you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
GOD is In Charge
I started this blog and I still have my other blog
Please visit that blog and sign up to follow me there also. I posted a blog there that explains everything. I am sorry.
I am going back to the orginal blog.
Please visit that blog and sign up to follow me there also. I posted a blog there that explains everything. I am sorry.
I am going back to the orginal blog.
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
The Body Of Christ
I always heard that Jesus is the head and we are the body. I never really understood what that meant, till now.
Ephesians 1:22-23
And GOD placed all things under his feet and appointed him the head over everything for the church which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way
Jesus is head and we are the body. When we are born again, the Holy Spirit comes to dwell inside of us. That means that Jesus can use our eyes, our mouth, our hands, our feet to do his will here on earth.
Right now Jesus is using my hands to spread his word throughout the world. He is using my eyes to see my feet to walk my mouth to speak his word.
I no longer am living for myself. I am living for Jesus. I am not doing what I want to do, I am doing what Jesus wants me to do.
This has totally changed my life. I no longer care aobout things of this world. I only care what I can do for Jesus.
I no longer watch as much tv as I use to. I no longer read the gossip magazines at the check out counters. I am living for Jesus. I am his body.
I don't want to live in the flesh any more. I no longer drink alochol. I don't smoke. Those are things of the flesh.
So before you say or do anthing, ask yourself, are you in the flesh or the spirit???
Satan wants you to be in the flesh.
GOD wants you to be in the Spirit.
It is your choice. Think about that before you smoke or drink alochol or do something you will regret later.
If you are Born Again, the Holy Spirit in inside of you, waiting to do GOD's work.
I am living for Jesus.
Who are you living for?
I have just published 3 new E-Books this week
Your Guide to Become Debt Free
Every Parents Guide to Eating Disorders
Surviving Child Sexual Abuse
These are all in the series Live GOD's Way Daily
Ephesians 1:22-23
And GOD placed all things under his feet and appointed him the head over everything for the church which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way
Jesus is head and we are the body. When we are born again, the Holy Spirit comes to dwell inside of us. That means that Jesus can use our eyes, our mouth, our hands, our feet to do his will here on earth.
Right now Jesus is using my hands to spread his word throughout the world. He is using my eyes to see my feet to walk my mouth to speak his word.
I no longer am living for myself. I am living for Jesus. I am not doing what I want to do, I am doing what Jesus wants me to do.
This has totally changed my life. I no longer care aobout things of this world. I only care what I can do for Jesus.
I no longer watch as much tv as I use to. I no longer read the gossip magazines at the check out counters. I am living for Jesus. I am his body.
I don't want to live in the flesh any more. I no longer drink alochol. I don't smoke. Those are things of the flesh.
So before you say or do anthing, ask yourself, are you in the flesh or the spirit???
Satan wants you to be in the flesh.
GOD wants you to be in the Spirit.
It is your choice. Think about that before you smoke or drink alochol or do something you will regret later.
If you are Born Again, the Holy Spirit in inside of you, waiting to do GOD's work.
I am living for Jesus.
Who are you living for?
I have just published 3 new E-Books this week
Your Guide to Become Debt Free
Every Parents Guide to Eating Disorders
Surviving Child Sexual Abuse
These are all in the series Live GOD's Way Daily
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
This Is my Ministry Live GOD's Way Daily
Welcome! This year has brought many surprises in my life. I am a Zombie Writer. GOD has other plans for me. Though I like writing zombie stories, GOD told me that my story had to be told. I had an eating disorder for over 20 years. I have starved myself for days. I would pass out. I would have terrible headaches. I was depressed, with thoughts of sucide. I have cut myself to relesase the pain. I was sexually abused as a child.
I felt alone, isolated. What is the point of living. Why am I here???
Jesus is the answer. Jesus is the reason I was born and why I am alive.
Ephesians 1:4 For he chose us in him before the creation of the world and to be holy and blameless in his sight.
GOd knew me before the world was created. GOD had a plan for me. Though I went through things that I wish on no one, I survived for a reason. GOD gave me a vision.
Ephesians 3:7 I become a servant of this gospel by the gift of GOd's grace given me through the working of his power.
LIVE GOD'S WAY DAILY is my ministry.
I am not ashamed of being a Zombie Writer. For now I will tell my testimony of how I was saved by the Grace of GOD
Read more of my story
My Bible My GOD
I Confess Jesus is Lord
Is GOD First In Your Life?
Become Dependent On GOD
Sign up for my newsletter
I will send a monthly newsletter.
Leave a comment and let me know what you think
GOD loves you even when you ignore him
I felt alone, isolated. What is the point of living. Why am I here???
Jesus is the answer. Jesus is the reason I was born and why I am alive.
Ephesians 1:4 For he chose us in him before the creation of the world and to be holy and blameless in his sight.
GOd knew me before the world was created. GOD had a plan for me. Though I went through things that I wish on no one, I survived for a reason. GOD gave me a vision.
Ephesians 3:7 I become a servant of this gospel by the gift of GOd's grace given me through the working of his power.
LIVE GOD'S WAY DAILY is my ministry.
I am not ashamed of being a Zombie Writer. For now I will tell my testimony of how I was saved by the Grace of GOD
Read more of my story
My Bible My GOD
I Confess Jesus is Lord
Is GOD First In Your Life?
Become Dependent On GOD
Sign up for my newsletter
I will send a monthly newsletter.
Leave a comment and let me know what you think
GOD loves you even when you ignore him
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Why Read The Bible?
Why should one read the Bible. If you believe, you know GOD is alive, why read the Bible?
Reason 1. Satan does not want you to know what GOD says. Satan wants to get your eyes and thoughts off of GOD.
Reason 2. GOD's words are alive. It is a way for GOD to speak to you.
Reason 3. How do you know what GOD says if you don't read His word?
Reason 4. Reading the Bible is the best way to reisist Satan.
Reason 5. The Bible says to read and meditate on GOD's Word.
Reason 6. The Bible is an instructional manual. The Bible tells you how to live.
Reason7. The world does not want anyone reading the Bible. There is a reason for that. Don't you want to know why the Bible is being banned throughout the world?
Reason 8. Reading the Bible brings you closer to GOD.
Reason 9. The Bible is alive with GOD's Word.\
Reason 10. The Bible is a way of GOD talking to you.
I recieved my first Bible when I was 7 years old. I never read the Bible till I was in my forties. I didn't go to church. I look back and wondered why? Satan. I was listening to Satan. No more. I get up early before I go to work and read the Bible. I pray. I sit in the presence of GOD. It is the best way to start the day.
I can resist Satan throughout the day, knowing that GOD is with me.
What do you do to start your day?
Do you pray?
Do you think about GOD?
Start today. If you want your life to change, now is the time.
Pray This:
Dear Lord:
I thank you for this day. I come to you, knowing that I am not perfect. Jesus died on the cross for me. Please be with me today and guide me and direct me so I can come to know you better. I repent of my sins and want you to be part of me life. Guide me in your direction.
In Jesus's name Amen.
There are Bible apps out there you can download. You don't have to know where the books of the Bibles are. This is not hard. GOD is waiting to hear from you. Open up the Bible and read his word and let His words speak to you.
Have a Blessed day, All is well with GOD
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Where Do You Think GOD Is?
I was reading the Bible and a verse talked to me.
Ephesians 2:22
And in Him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which GOD lives by His Spirit.
Think about that for a moment.
GOD lives inside of you. He is not miles away. If you are born again, he dwells inside of you. You are his vessel. He now can use you to do His work.
GOD dwells inside of you.
If you are not Born Again, and you want GOD in you life and you want GOD to dwell inside of you,
Pray this:
Dear Lord,
I come to you as I am. I believe that Jesus died at the cross and was raised from the dead. Come into my life Lord. Fill me with you Holy Spirit. I want to come out of the darkness and into the light. I want to do the work of Jesus. I no longer want to live under the curse, but walk and live in the blessing. You are my GOD and I am your people. Do something with my life. In Jesus's Name, Amen.
If you prayed this, you are now a child of GOD. The Holy Spirit is now deposited on the inside of you.
How Awesome is that. Give GOD some praise.
Lieave a comment and let me know so I can celebrate with you.
Jesus is the bread of life.
Go to and dowload the messages from Keith Moore. They are all FREE. Start listening to the word of GOD.
Sign up for my newsletter.
Grab a copy of my book I confess Jesus is Lord Only 99 Cents
Have a Blessed Day!
Ephesians 2:22
And in Him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which GOD lives by His Spirit.
Think about that for a moment.
GOD lives inside of you. He is not miles away. If you are born again, he dwells inside of you. You are his vessel. He now can use you to do His work.
GOD dwells inside of you.
If you are not Born Again, and you want GOD in you life and you want GOD to dwell inside of you,
Pray this:
Dear Lord,
I come to you as I am. I believe that Jesus died at the cross and was raised from the dead. Come into my life Lord. Fill me with you Holy Spirit. I want to come out of the darkness and into the light. I want to do the work of Jesus. I no longer want to live under the curse, but walk and live in the blessing. You are my GOD and I am your people. Do something with my life. In Jesus's Name, Amen.
If you prayed this, you are now a child of GOD. The Holy Spirit is now deposited on the inside of you.
How Awesome is that. Give GOD some praise.
Lieave a comment and let me know so I can celebrate with you.
Jesus is the bread of life.
Go to and dowload the messages from Keith Moore. They are all FREE. Start listening to the word of GOD.
Sign up for my newsletter.
Grab a copy of my book I confess Jesus is Lord Only 99 Cents
Have a Blessed Day!
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Your Are Blessed
The Books in the Live GOD's Way Daily Series:
1. I Confess Jesus Is Lord
2. Think Before You Speak
3. Is GOD First In Your Life
4. Become Dependent On GOD
5. Saved By The Grace of GOD All 4 books above in one.
My Bible--My GOD My testimony to GOD
Always & Forever Inspirational Romance
I will have three new books out in May
It is easier than you think to Iive GOD's Way Daily
Here is 5 Things you can do today:
1. Smile at someone.
2. Buy someone a cup of coffee or soda.
3. Hold the door open for someone.
4. Hold your anger. Do not argue.
5. Hug someone today for no reason
Leave your comments on how you Live GOD's Way Daily.
I want to hear from you!
sign up for my newsletter. To recieve notice when my books are coming out and ways to Live GOD's Way Daily
Have a Blessed Day!!!
Part of my royalities goes to Bless Someone Today
1. I Confess Jesus Is Lord
2. Think Before You Speak
3. Is GOD First In Your Life
4. Become Dependent On GOD
5. Saved By The Grace of GOD All 4 books above in one.
My Bible--My GOD My testimony to GOD
Always & Forever Inspirational Romance
I will have three new books out in May
It is easier than you think to Iive GOD's Way Daily
Here is 5 Things you can do today:
1. Smile at someone.
2. Buy someone a cup of coffee or soda.
3. Hold the door open for someone.
4. Hold your anger. Do not argue.
5. Hug someone today for no reason
Leave your comments on how you Live GOD's Way Daily.
I want to hear from you!
sign up for my newsletter. To recieve notice when my books are coming out and ways to Live GOD's Way Daily
Have a Blessed Day!!!
Part of my royalities goes to Bless Someone Today
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
For The Glory Of GOD.
I have just embraced the fact that GOD dwells within me. I am a temple for GOD.
We all fall short of the Glory of GOD. I have been reading the Bible more and spending more time with GOD. I have even heard from GOD.
What every I do, I do for the Glory of GOD
Now before I do anything, I ask myself, if this will glorfiy GOD?
I no longer watch much televison.
I no longer read the tabloids and gossip magazines.
I may once in a while, but I am more aware of what I am doing now.
Ask yourself if what you are doing Glorfies GOD or Satan??
As you start asking yourself that question, you will start stepping back from Satan's ways.
I have over 30 zombie short stories.
GOD told me this the other day. "I told you back in 95 what to write. You need to go back and write those stories."
GOD is right. I had a whole series The Legend of Jessica, The first book I wrote, Always and Forever or
An inspriational romance. I am now going to write the second book in the series.
I realize that I went off track. I do like zombies and zombie movies. GOD told me to go back and write these books and that is what I am going to do.
What has GOD told you to do?? Have you done it??
Might want to go back and talk to GOD about it.
Time is short. Jesus is coming back sooner than we think. He could come back within the minute or second.
Start doing what Glorfies GOD.
It is not about you. It is about GOD.
GOD gets all the Glory and all The Credit.
If you have not accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Don't wait another Second.
Pray This:
Dear Lord. I come to you as I am. I believe that Jesus died on the cross and You raised him from the dead. I confess with my mouth that Jesus Is Lord. Come into my heart, Lord, fill me with your spirit. I give you my life. Do something with my life. In Jesus's name, Amen.
If you prayed this, you are now a new creature in Christ. The Holy Spirit is in you. You have all the benifts of everything Jesus did at the Cross.
That is something to shout about.
If you have just been saved, You are now a Born Again Christian. Leave a comment and let me know. I want to celbrate with you.
Jesus is coming. Don't delay. GOD has a plan for you. You need to be reborn so you can do GOD's Work.
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Hungry For GOD
I want to see GOD. I want to hear from GOD. I want to see GOD move in my life.
I am Hungry for GOD!
I am spending more time with GOD. I get up early. I pray. I worship GOD. I read the Bible everyday.
I want to get close to GOD. The only way I am going to do that is to read the Bible.
I know you think you are too tired to get up early. How are you going to get close to GOD if you do not spend time with GOD.
How much time do you spend watching TV? How much time to you spend on social media?
A couple of years ago, I was addicted to TV. I arranged my life depending what was on TV. No more. I disconnected cable for 6 months. I read, I sat in silence. It was great. I realized that I didn't need TV. That was the start of my new life. I realized that I could live without TV.
I am a writer. I was spending a lot of time on Face Book and on Twitter. I was using all my extra time on social media and not writing. I was spinning my wheeels. I have to write. I have to promote my books. I was exhausted.
I then realized that heard that if I spend ten minutes in the Word, then that is what I am going to get. I realized that the answer was to spend more time in the Word. I am now spending an hour or more every morning with GOD. It is not a chore. It is not unpleasant.
I look forward to spending time with GOD. I feel better. I feel GOD move on the inside of me.
I have become Hungry For GOD. There is no stopping me now.
I get up, get my Bible. I pray, worship and read the Bible.
This is what I read every day. No excuses.
Psalm 91
Psalm 23
Ephesians 1:3
Ephesians 2:4-6
Ephesians 3:14-21
These Verses I read everyday. They get my mind right and I am set for the day.
If you don't know what to read, start with these verses. As you read the Bible, you will find verses that speak to you.
Get Hungry for GOD. GOD is waiting for you to make the first move. If you don't know how, Pray this:
Dear Lord:
Please come into my life. I want to know you. I want to hear from you. I open my heart and mind to you. I recieve you as my Lord and Savior. Come into my life. I am Hungry for GOD. Jesus is Lord. Amen
I Confess Jesus Is Lord
Explains why you need to be Born Again
Is GOD First In Your Life?
I am Hungry for GOD!
I am spending more time with GOD. I get up early. I pray. I worship GOD. I read the Bible everyday.
I want to get close to GOD. The only way I am going to do that is to read the Bible.
I know you think you are too tired to get up early. How are you going to get close to GOD if you do not spend time with GOD.
How much time do you spend watching TV? How much time to you spend on social media?
A couple of years ago, I was addicted to TV. I arranged my life depending what was on TV. No more. I disconnected cable for 6 months. I read, I sat in silence. It was great. I realized that I didn't need TV. That was the start of my new life. I realized that I could live without TV.
I am a writer. I was spending a lot of time on Face Book and on Twitter. I was using all my extra time on social media and not writing. I was spinning my wheeels. I have to write. I have to promote my books. I was exhausted.
I then realized that heard that if I spend ten minutes in the Word, then that is what I am going to get. I realized that the answer was to spend more time in the Word. I am now spending an hour or more every morning with GOD. It is not a chore. It is not unpleasant.
I look forward to spending time with GOD. I feel better. I feel GOD move on the inside of me.
I have become Hungry For GOD. There is no stopping me now.
I get up, get my Bible. I pray, worship and read the Bible.
This is what I read every day. No excuses.
Psalm 91
Psalm 23
Ephesians 1:3
Ephesians 2:4-6
Ephesians 3:14-21
These Verses I read everyday. They get my mind right and I am set for the day.
If you don't know what to read, start with these verses. As you read the Bible, you will find verses that speak to you.
Get Hungry for GOD. GOD is waiting for you to make the first move. If you don't know how, Pray this:
Dear Lord:
Please come into my life. I want to know you. I want to hear from you. I open my heart and mind to you. I recieve you as my Lord and Savior. Come into my life. I am Hungry for GOD. Jesus is Lord. Amen
I Confess Jesus Is Lord
Explains why you need to be Born Again
Is GOD First In Your Life?
Born Again,
Word People
Monday, March 9, 2015
Glory of GOD
This is my new Blog.
GOD told me this while I was sleeping. Start living GOD'S Way.
I have other Non-Fiction Books that I have written:
Think Before You Speak 99 Cents
I Confess Jesus Is Lord 99 Cents
Is GOD First In Your Life? 99 Cents
Become Dependant On GOD 99 Cents
Saved By The Grace of GOD All 4 books in one $2.99
I have over 50 E-Books published on Amazon. The first book I wrote My Bible--My GOD
I then wrote a paranormal romance Always & Forever
I then wrote over 30 Zombie Short Stories
GOD then has directed me to write a series of e-books on Living GOD'S Way. The first Book will be out next month.
We all fall short of the glory of GOD. Satan had a hold of been since the day I was born. Some reason GOD has been with me. I believe that everything I went through is to be my Testimony to GOD. I now live for GOD.
I have been sexually abused since I was born. I had an eating disorder for the past twenty years. I have suffered with depression and have cut myself.
GOD has healed me from everything Satan attempted to kill me.
I am a living Testimony to GOD. I will tell my story so others will know that GOD is real and alive today.
GOD will heal anyone if they come to him.
I hope that you follow my blog as I begin to tell my story and help others along the way.
This is my Bible.
this will be on every cover of e-books from the series GOD'S Way
GOD told me this while I was sleeping. Start living GOD'S Way.
I have other Non-Fiction Books that I have written:
Think Before You Speak 99 Cents
I Confess Jesus Is Lord 99 Cents
Is GOD First In Your Life? 99 Cents
Become Dependant On GOD 99 Cents
Saved By The Grace of GOD All 4 books in one $2.99
I have over 50 E-Books published on Amazon. The first book I wrote My Bible--My GOD
I then wrote a paranormal romance Always & Forever
I then wrote over 30 Zombie Short Stories
GOD then has directed me to write a series of e-books on Living GOD'S Way. The first Book will be out next month.
We all fall short of the glory of GOD. Satan had a hold of been since the day I was born. Some reason GOD has been with me. I believe that everything I went through is to be my Testimony to GOD. I now live for GOD.
I have been sexually abused since I was born. I had an eating disorder for the past twenty years. I have suffered with depression and have cut myself.
GOD has healed me from everything Satan attempted to kill me.
I am a living Testimony to GOD. I will tell my story so others will know that GOD is real and alive today.
GOD will heal anyone if they come to him.
I hope that you follow my blog as I begin to tell my story and help others along the way.
This is my Bible.
this will be on every cover of e-books from the series GOD'S Way
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